Navigating Dog Bite Laws in Massachusetts

Navigating Dog Bite Laws in Massachusetts


The emotional toll of a dog bite is profound, often resulting in serious injuries. This sentiment is heightened by the love we hold for our animals, making dog bite cases complex and emotionally charged. In the state of Massachusetts, these cases are governed by specific laws, notably Chapter 140 Section 155, which imposes strict liability on dog owners for any harm caused by their dogs.

Understanding Strict Liability:

Chapter 140 Section 155 establishes strict liability for dog owners, a departure from the typical negligence standard. Unlike traditional cases where proving fault is essential, strict liability holds owners automatically responsible for any damage their dogs cause. This means that, regardless of the owner's awareness of the dog's aggressive tendencies, they are liable for the consequences of a dog bite or injury.

Exceptions to Strict Liability:

While strict liability is the general rule, exceptions exist. Trespassers, individuals committing crimes, or those tormenting a dog may not be protected by this law. Notably, if a child under the age of seven is involved, it is legally determined that they cannot torment a dog. This introduces a nuanced approach to assessing liability based on the specific circumstances of each case.

Factors Influencing Liability:

The size of the dog plays a role in determining the extent of liability and potential damages. Larger dogs may inflict more severe injuries, influencing the overall value of a case. Insurance companies often consider the size of the dog when assessing claims, recognizing that larger dogs may cause more significant harm.

Challenges in Bringing Cases:

While strict liability streamlines the legal process by eliminating the need to prove negligence, challenges persist. Victims must still establish damages, primarily in the form of medical injuries. This requires a thorough documentation of injuries sustained, emphasizing the importance of prompt reporting and evidence collection.

Insurance Considerations:

Homeowners with insurance coverage usually find protection for dog-related incidents, provided they report all animals living on their property. Certain breeds known for aggression may face scrutiny, but reporting remains essential for coverage. However, for renters without homeowners' insurance, seeking financial recovery may pose difficulties, as there is no insurance policy to fall back on.

Types of Injuries and Compensation:

The severity and location of injuries significantly influence compensation. Facial scarring and disfigurement are often considered more severe, leading to higher payouts. Emotional damages, such as mental anguish and pain and suffering, are also recoverable, provided they are well-documented and reported to healthcare providers.

Role of Evidence in Dog Bite Cases:

Prompt and thorough evidence collection is crucial in dog bite cases. Victims are advised to call the police immediately after an incident to ensure an official report is made. Medical treatment should be sought, with photographs taken of the wounds. This documentation, coupled with timely reporting to the dog warden, strengthens the victim's case.

Post-Incident Procedures:

After a dog bite, engaging with law enforcement is paramount. Calling the police ensures a documented report, and the involvement of the dog warden initiates a formal investigation into the dog's behavior. The owner is typically required to provide evidence of the dog's vaccinations, and the dog may be quarantined. In cases of repeated incidents, a hearing on the dog's viciousness may occur within the town, leading to potential measures like quarantine continuation or euthanasia.


Understanding dog bite laws in Massachusetts involves navigating the intricate balance of strict liability, exceptions, and the various factors influencing liability and compensation. As the warmer months approach, increasing outdoor activities raise the likelihood of dog-related incidents. Awareness of these legal aspects is crucial for public safety and ensuring fair and just resolutions for victims of dog bites. The complex interplay of emotions, legal statutes, and insurance considerations underscores the need for comprehensive understanding and responsible pet ownership.

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